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16 Apr 2022
Please do yourself a favor and search the web and read the countless extremely negative reviews he has with over half of his patients.
I did not.. and am wishing I had.
Sure, youll find plenty of good reviews, too.. but the fact that they is such an extremely broad contrast in people's interactions with him speaks volumes.
I saw him for the first time recently and can honestly say it is the worst interaction I have ever experienced by a doctor..
He was rude, abrupt, condescending, insensitive, unwillingly to listen and made several personal attacks. He made negative comments about the type of insurance I had; my appearance, issues in my medical history which are completely unrelated to my current symptoms/issues. He was in the room for about 20 minutes; 3 minutes tops where he actually discussed my existing issues, and the rest of the time making insults; asking very personal questions about things totally unrelated and making comments based on my answers. Essentially, he insisted (with ZERO testing) that there was nothing wrong with me and implied that my issues were 'all in my head.'
My experience was more like an interrogation you'd expect at a police station if you were a suspect in some serious crime and less like a routine visit to a Doctor's office because you don't sleep well and have new memory and cognitive problems.
Upon leaving, I was completely floored. In total disbelief of what had just happened. When I stopped by the desk to check out, the 4 or 5 office personnel who were behind the glass all looked at me with this very obvious non-verbal communication of 'we know our boss is a total [jerk] and were sorry about that.' It was as if they were apologizing for what had just happened, when they weren't even in the room.
I seriously felt as though this man was trying to provoke me. His demeanor came across as some personal attack, however, after reading other people's experiences, I don't take it personal at all..
Read other's reviews. The fact that there is such a broad contrast says a lot. The fact that there are more than half negative reviews and people saying nearly the same things does as well.
Clearly he sees (or doesn't see) something in someone's medical history that sets (or doesn't set) him off and causes him to target patients negatively.
Maybe it's a person's socioeconomic status? Their race/ethnicity? What he PRESUMES is their political affiliation, or if it does/does not align with his own? For whatever unknown reason, he clearly discriminates against some of his patients and treats them accordingly.
So much for the 'hippocratic oath'!! This guy clearly does not treat patients with equal care and uses his position to leverage his personal convictions and judgements onto people who are only there to get fair and adequate medical attention. I seriously don't know how someone like this is still allowed to practice medicine????
He's like the 'bad cop' with a chip on his shoulder- only with a stethoscope and a prescription pad instead of a badge and a gun.
Dr. Young: You took an oath to care for and help your patients. There is no place for politics and personal judgements in medicine!!!! Shame on you.
Hayley M.
on Facebook
31 Oct 2013
Who loves their General Practitioner in SB? I need a referral please, preferably a woman but not crucial. Thanks.
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Young Hsien MD
317 W Pueblo St Santa Barbara, CA
(805) 898-3240