Local Businesses in Santa Barbara, CA - SantaBarbaraYP
Picture for Santa Barbara, CA

Local Businesses in Santa Barbara, CA

Santa Barbara is located on an east-west trending section of coastline, the longest such section on the West Coast of the United States, the city lies between Santa Ynez Mountains and the Pacific Ocean. Santa Barbara's climate is often described as Mediterranean, and the city is widely known as the "American Riviera."

The Santa Barbara French Festival is an annual event that takes place Bastille Day weekend in July. In addition to being a popular tourist and resort destination, the city economy includes a large service sector, education, technology, health care, finance, agriculture, manufacturing, and local government.

Santa Barbara is a year-round tourist destination renowned for its fair weather, downtown beaches, and Spanish architecture.

In 2018, Santa Barbara County, CA had a population of 447k people. The median property value in Santa Barbara County, CA is $629,400, and the homeownership rate is 52.4%. Median household income in Santa Barbara County, CA is $77,472.

The economy of Santa Barbara County, CA employs 211k people. The largest industries in Santa Barbara County, CA are Health Care & Social Assistance (25,904 people), Educational Services (21,943 people), and Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting (21,739 people), and the highest paying industries are Utilities ($86,659), Mining, Quarrying, & Oil & Gas Extraction ($72,086), and Public Administration ($70,143).

The most common employment sectors for those who live in Santa Barbara County, CA, are Health Care & Social Assistance (25,904 people), Educational Services (21,943 people), and Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing & Hunting (21,739 people).

Employment by industries

Employment by industries in Santa Barbara by Data USA
Employment by industries in Santa Barbara by "Data USA"

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