Company Description
Purling Painting & Finishing has been your #1 painting contractor in Santa Barbara since 1989. Our main goal is to provide the best possible service, craftsmanship, and value to our customers. We have great references and testimonials - just be sure to visit our portfolio to view images of our past projects. This will offer you some creative ideas for your next big project. Call today!
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Products & Services
Interior painting , Refinish Wood Moldings , Decorative Finishes , Power Washing , Lime Washing , & Doors , Furniture Restoration & Repair , Faux Painting , Purling Painting & Finishing has been your #1 painting contractor in Santa Barbara since 1989. Our main goal is to provide the best possible service , Cement Coating , Exterior painting , Painting , Staining , Custom Staining , Design and Color Consulting , Strip & Refinish Cabinets , Antiquing , craftsmanship , Windows , and value to our customers. We have great references and testimonials - just be sure to visit our portfolio to view images of our past projects. This will offer you some creative ideas for your next big project. Call today! , finishing , Distressing , Glazing
Reviews and Recommendations
Frequently asked questions about Purling Painting & Finishing Inc
Is Purling Painting & Finishing Inc licensed?
Yes, Purling Painting & Finishing Inc has license: 937233.