Whale Watching Tours in Santa Barbara, CA - SantaBarbaraYP

Whale Watching Tours in Santa Barbara, CA

  • Whale Watching Tours

    #1 rated whale watching view whales, dolphins, wildlife all over the Santa Barbara Channel. An eco-friendly boat built specially for safety around wildlife.

    301 West Cabrillo Boulevard, Santa Barbara Harbor, Santa Barbara, CA 93101, United States Santa Barbara, CA
    (805) 882-0088
  • Whale Watching Tours Boat Charters

    http://condorexpress.com/ - Condor Express is a whale watching tour business. We take people on boat trips out into the ocean to watch whales, dolphins, and other marine wildlife. Our 75 foot boat is fast and powerful enough to go long distances to see whales at all times of the…

    101 W Canon Perdido St Santa Barbara, CA
    (805) 882-0088
  • Boat Charters Whale Watching Tours

    Welcome to the Sea Landing, your gateway to the Pacific! Find great activities like scuba diving, fishing, jet skiing, Channel Island excursions and more.

    301 W Cabrillo Blvd Santa Barbara, CA
    (805) 963-3564