Private Tennis Clubs in Santa Barbara, CA
Private Tennis Clubs
Check Phone, Address, Reviews, Complaints, Compliments and Similar Businesses to Knowlwood Tennis Club - Knowlwood Tennis Club - Santa Barbara - 1675 E Valley Rd
Address:Santa Barbara, CAPhone:(805) 969-0558 -
Private Tennis Clubs
Oceanside Tennis Club from Santa Barbara, CA. Company specialized in: Private Tennis Clubs. Please call us for more information - (805) 884-8521
Address:633 E Cabrillo Blvd Santa Barbara, CAPhone:(805) 884-8521 -
Private Tennis Clubs
Information for Tennis Club of Santa Barbara - American/Cafe restaurant - Includes detailed menu and map for this Santa Barbara Restaurant
Address:2375 Foothl Rd Santa Barbara, CAPhone:(805) 682-4722