Located in Santa Ynez Valley, Los Olivos is known for perfect weather and popular attractions such as the Fess Parker Winery & Vineyard, the Wildling Art Museum and the Global Gardens. During your time in Los Olivos you can't help but take in the panoramic views of Santa Barbara County's vineyards and horse ranches.
Median household income in Los Olivos is $103,594. The economy of Los Olivos employs 422 people. The largest industries in the city are Educational Services, Except Public Administration and Manufacturing. The highest paying industries are Arts, Entertainment, Recreation, Accommodations and Food Services.
The most common job groups, by number of people living in Los Olivos, are Management Occupations, Office and Administrative Support Occupations, and Sales & Related Occupations (42 people).
Compared to other places, Los Olivos has an unusually high number of employees in the Utilities industry (3.53 times higher than expected), Agriculture, Forestry, Fishing and Hunting (3.21 times), and Real Estate and Rental and Leasing (2.91 times) industries.

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