Company Description
California Men's Colony is a male-only state prison located northwest of the city of San Luis Obispo, San Luis Obispo County, California, along the central California coast approximately halfway between Los Angeles and San Francisco.FacilitiesCMC has two physically separate facilities on its : East and West. The minimum-security West facility includes Level I ("without a secure perimeter") housing and Level II ("with secure perimeter fences and armed coverage") open dormitories. The medium-security east facility has level III with individual cells, fenced perimeters and armed coverage, with housing divided into four quadrangles, as well as a licensed hospital and mental health delivery system.As of Fiscal Year 2006/2007, CMC had a total of 1,870 staff and an annual operating budget of $151 million. As of March 2012, the facility's total population was 5,524, or more than of 143.9 percent of its design capacity of 3,838.ProgramsCMC has been called a country club and the garden spot among California prisons because of its offerings of a wide variety of vocational, educational and psychological-treatment programs. Notable CMC programs include: Arts in Corrections, "designed to rehabilitate inmates through art." A "Level I camp program for fire suppression, conservation and other community service work." The jobs include "trash pickup and removal" at Port San Luis Harbor District properties, including Avila Beach. Central Coast Adult School, which "aims to reduce the recidivism rate and help inmates rejoin the work force." Prison Industry Authority, which "manufactures and ships millions of dollars of prison-made products annually." Prisoners Against Child Abuse, which "donates more than $100,000 a year to local children's organizations." Narcotics Anonymous. Alcoholics Anonymous.
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Know Your Rights , CEO , Alcoholics Anonymous , Request Services , Credit Earning , Regulations & Policy , Parole Hearing Info , Visit Secretary's page , Institution Statistics , Capital Punishment , Ombudsman , Prisoners Against Child Abuse , Reentry Services , Victims , COVID-19 Response Efforts , Doing Business with CDCR , Sustainability , Female Programs , Become a Volunteer , Send Packages , Special Housing , Operational Performance Measures , Employment Office , Narcotics Anonymous , Rehabilitation , Victims & Survivors , Mental Health and Dental vacancies , Family & Friends Services , Inmate Population Reports , Statewide Inmate Family Council , CCJBH , Arts in Corrections , About CDCR , News Channels , Parole Operations , Employee Resources , Send Money , Three Judge Court , Parolee Resource Guide , The California Model , Juvenile Justice , Population , Wanted Sex Offenders , Health Care , Prison Industry Authority , Restitution Services , Visit Governor's website , Contact CDCR , Find a Facility , Family & Friends , Search Population (CIRIS) , Board of Parole Hearings , Reports & Statistics , Warden , Level I camp program for fire suppression, conservation and other community service work , Contact Victim Services , Reduction/Closure Information , Contact an Inmate , Adult Visitation , Communications Office
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