Company Description
Wellness SEEKers UNITE! Founded by a couple of DAMN VEGANS, Amanda Congdon and Mario Librandi, because they couldn't find any healthy AND tasty food to eat and figured others might be having the same problem. Visit our SOLAR and BIODIESEL mini-bus every Sunday at the Ojai Certified Farmers Market. You can pick up PRE-PAID ORDERS by appointment from our gluten-free facility in Oak View during the week. We are completely accessible to you online, so don't be shy about leaving us a wall message with any questions or comments. Mario's wife and co-founder of Vegan Mario's, Vegan Amanda, is a graduate of eCornell's Plant-Based Nutrition Certification Program taught by Dr. T. Colin Campbell (The China Study). We post recipes and host DIY fruit + veg EATING (not juicing) CLEANSES in our vibrant, #oilfree Cool Down Cleanse Community here on FB. Request access here:
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