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St Patrick Mercy Preschool from Arroyo Grande, CA. Company specialized in: Preschools & Kindergartens.
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06 Jan 2023
Throughout the years 2016 through 2022, my daughter attended St. Patrick School, Arroyo Grande (owned by the Monterey Diocese). I was an extremely involved parent at this school and took professional photos for the school (for free), was the room mom every other year since my daughter began kindergarten, I sat on the Parents Club board as the secretary for two years, I was in charge of a major annual fundraiser, as well as the largest school fundraiser in 2021 (the school’s record breaking year for their annual auction), I was the dance/cheer coach for the school in 2017 (unpaid), and dedicated about all of my free time to the school, in addition to choreographing talent show dances for my daughter’s friends for several consecutive years as well as her kindergarten class. Every one of my daughter’s teachers at St. Pat’s would tell you that I was/am a very agreeable, kind, helpful parent.
In 2021, however, there was an incident with another school family. I will spare all details, but bottom line, this family repeatedly began to do things that were affecting my daughter negatively. Due to the fact that this family (despite their actions) donated/brought in more money to the school than we did as well as their family name/connections, the principal chose to appease their requests and did absolutely nothing to remedy/better the situation for my daughter. In fact, the principal did many things to make it 10x worse. I contacted the Monterey Diocese via phone, and emailed them, and was told nobody could help me other than the principal of St. Patrick School. (Essentially, they told me she has no boss other than the Catholic priest who has absolutely no education in running a business/school and/or background in education/administration.)
The principal of St. Patrick School fosters and perpetuates hurtful behavior (and the Monterey Diocese lets her get away with it); in my particular situation, many, many of the handbook guidelines were violated. The principal caters to the connected families despite hurtful behavior and despite the fact that they do not follow handbook rules/guidelines. I’ve received many, many statements from others who have discussed this very same scenario and who have pulled their children from St. Patrick School for this same reason.
I could say so much more, but I will spare you! The words that are advertised and “preached” at St. Patrick School/Monterey Diocese are not practiced. I believe that children learn by example and the actions the St. Patrick School administration performs are not a good example to the children. (The Monterey Diocese does absolutely nothing to ensure Catholic principles/guidelines from the handbook are implemented, and there are no repercussions when they are disregarded.)
Turnover has been an issue at St. Patrick School, Arroyo Grande in recent years as well. I have been told by other parents it is due to the way the administration operates.
Bottom line… the school administration/Monterey Diocese does not practice what they preach, and they get away with so much that would never be allowed in a public school system. This organization claims to exhibit/demonstrate Christian/Catholic principles but I can assure you this is not true. Spare your child the hurt and look elsewhere!
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St Patrick Mercy Preschool
900 W Branch St Arroyo Grande, CA
(805) 473-2517