Company Description

Hello, and thank you for your interest in the Guadalupe Firefighters Association! We are also known as the GFA, and have existed for over 50 years, originally founded by some of the first volunteer firefighters of the Guadalupe Fire Department. The GFA was established as a Non-profit organization in 2013. For many decades the firefighters of Guadalupe have not only served the community in times of need, but also by volunteering as members of the association. Members meet monthly, and decide what and who to raise funds for, in the hopes of making a positive impact in the surrounding community.

The purpose of the GFA is to raise funds for charitable causes including, but not limited to: Survivors of burn injuries (BurnQuest), youth trips to third world countries spreading medical treatment and supplies (YoFaFo), local schools (Mckenzie Junior High, Mary Van Buren Elementary School), MDA, the FoodBank, Discovery Museum, and local kids sports (Guadalupe Bulldogs Football, Sparks Girls Baseball, and the Wrestling Club).

Local events have been sponsored by GFA for many years as well. One of the oldest traditions of the GFA is to hand out candy to every child in the city on Christmas morning, with Santa Claus riding on the fire engine. Some ways that the GFA has raised money for these events have been with private donations, community car washes, BBQ’s, Cash Calendars, and car raffles. Other events the GFA has sponsored has been July 4th Fireworks Shows, Chili Cook Offs, and public education classes.

The GFA is constantly evolving, and is open to new requests for support and different needs which may arise. It is the hopes of the GFA to grow its support, and help as many people as possible over time. The Guadalupe Firefighters Association thanks you for your interest, and hopes for your support in the future.

Photos & Videos

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11 photos

Products & Services

Guadalupe Bulldogs Football ,   Wrestling Club ,   Sparks Girls Baseball ,   Mary Van Buren Elementary School ,   FoodBank ,   YoFaFo ,   MDA ,   BurnQuest ,   July 4th Fireworks Shows ,   Mckenzie Junior High ,   Discovery Museum ,   Chili Cook Offs ,   public education classes  

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Guadalupe Firefighters Association

918 Obispo St Guadalupe, CA
(805) 356-3905