Company Description
The Vitamin Shoppe from Goleta, CA. Company specialized in: Vitamins & Food Supplements.
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Adam J.
on Facebook
18 Dec 2016
Anyone know where i can buy this ?? ....
Roseann R.
on Facebook
05 Jan 2015
Anyone can recommend a good allergist pediatrician .. Thanks
Andrea S.
on Facebook
04 Oct 2014
I need to find the ground flax seed. Anyone know where?
Amy G.
on Facebook
24 Oct 2013
I need recommendations on children's multivitamins. The dentist says no gummies and my girls HATE Flintstones!
Alexander C.
on Facebook
18 Sep 2013
Does anyone know of natural sleep aids? To help stay a sleep?
Coacherik J.
on Facebook
05 Apr 2012
Does Anyone recommend which tests to use for the following. Have a 16 year old Athlete whose HCL levels are low. ( needs 6 digest force with every meal) Since taking him off gluten and dairy, his acne on his face and back have reduced, but are still present. He has sleep issues but the amount of mag . ( so his calf skin fold reading is high) I have him using mag, doing a glutamine loading protocol and putting him on Probiotic and an additional enzyme. He's getting stronger, but isn't gaining much lean mass or losing bodyfat. BF% is 20% (Cortisol, Hamstring, calf, and Quad are high), He clearly has inflammation. When he isn't on the HCL or enzymes he has no appetite, and gets diarrhea. So there's clearly some sort of GI issue and why we've added more easily digestible proteins into the diet. The athlete's parents have a limited budget, so am planning on doing the MRT test. Does anyone recommend any additional tests? Would it be worth it do an environmental pollutant profile? Any feedback would be great.
Kimberly M.
on Facebook
24 Feb 2012
What types of vitamins and so forth do you guys find give the best results at the Vitamin shop?

The Vitamin Shoppe
6900 Hollister Ave Goleta, CA
(805) 562-3590