Company Description
Interface rescues mothers and children from violence at home and teaches thousands of families how to stop abuse before it happens. Interface rescues homeless teens from living on the streets, reconnecting them with family after conflict has torn them apart. Interface’s safety net services benefit more than 24,000 people a year with life-saving assistance including 24-hour response hotlines, shelters, and intensive counseling aimed at interrupting and preventing a cycle of violence. Join us in caring for what matters most in our community: thriving children and healthy families.
For more information or to make a gift, call (805) 485-6114, x 628 or visit
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Products & Services
reconnects homeless teens with family after conflict has torn them apart , offers intensive counseling aimed at interrupting and preventing a cycle of violence , provides 24-hour response hotlines , teaches thousands of families how to stop abuse before it happens , rescues mothers and children from violence at home , operates shelters