Morro Bay Whale Watching FAQ - SantaBarbaraYP
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Morro Bay Whale Watching FAQ

When can you see whales in Morro Bay?

Whales in Morro Bay may be seen all year. Travel agencies provide whale watching tours all year.

What is the best month for whale watching in Morro Bay?

The southbound migratory season normally lasts from December to mid-February. Northbound migration occurs from late February until early April. Humpback whales can be seen from late March through April and in May.

Are there dolphins in Morro Bay?

Common dolphins are rare, but they can be flocks or mega-herds ranging from hundreds to several thousand when seen. Risso dolphins are spotted from time to time. But when examined, there are 10-25 pods, sometimes more.

Can you see whales from the beach in Morro Bay?

The Morro Strand State Beach offers incredible vantage points. The whales can be seen from anywhere on this beach, from the cliff car park to the end of the beach next to Morro Rock.

How far out are whales from shore in Morro Bay?

Whales approach as near to the coast as they feel safe doing so. They desire to swim in a secure and safe area for their big, cold-blooded bodies, away from predators. Humpback whales have been observed as near as 50 feet offshore in certain spots.

Is there a whale tracker?

Patriot Sportfishing operates out of Morro Bay Landing and provides an excellent whale-watching experience all year. The captain and crew are experienced in tracking marine life such as gray whales, blue whales, humpback whales, finback whales, Orcas, dolphins, sea lions, sea otters, and various seabirds.